Before I left Seattle I ordered a new full face helmet for my son. He only had a half-helmet and was getting quite chilly on his rides to work and on weekend rides.
This helmet was found at Riders Discount's selection of Shoei Helmets. The prices were excellent and shipping was prompt, and free! The helmet I got him was the Shoei RF-1000.
Here is a review of some of its features:
Clean classic lines,very low key
Looks good on a lot of different bikes
Cool vents on back that are easy to open and close
Really nice sturdy opening mechanism for the visor
Very light, easy on the neck and back
Foam extremely comfortable
Fogs up a little bit at stops
Visibility is good in all directions
Nifty bag and extra pieces for nose and neck
He is very pleased with the helmet, and as his mother I think he is much safer with the full-face helmet. The road noise is also cut down considerably.
I would recommend checking out Riders Discount for a large selection of jackets, helmets, boots, and other gear at discount prices. They carry all the major brands and have a good selection of street and off-road gear.
I would definately go back to this website when I'm looking for more motorcycle gear, and can you ever have too much?
Last time through the store that SHOEI was my favorite...maybe Santa will read this (or my rather simple mind:) )
Ms. BC: I just bought a RF1000. I even did a report of sorts on my blog a short while ago. If you care swing by and give it a read. And since you just bought this helmet I have a poll on my blog that I would like you to vote on if you would please. You can also see a post I did on helmet certification that you might find interesting… or not.
I want to comment on buying stuff online. While some good deals can be found there, never forget about your local bike shop. I got mine from a local Honda dealer and paid less then that place you bought yours. Mine cost me $320.00 with no shipping either.
How’s the new job going?
"Fogs up a little bit a stops".
Spit (a little dab a do ya) on your fingers and wipe the inside.
Ever wonder why divers spit in their masks? It works.
Well, SHOEI saved my melon once! Some of the newer helmets really have come along way.
Speaking of brain that a Bell Drifter that you have on in your pict? What do you think about that helmet? I ride with the drifter but I have heard alot of complaints and just curious to hear what you think.
Dave: Those Shoei helmets have some clean lines and quality features.
fasthair: Thanks for the comment. It looks like that Shoei model is a real popular helmet. I always go for price if I can find it for less.
Willy D: That's a great suggestion, although a little gross. I told my son about it, and may try it myself next time I get out in the cold. Thanks.
flxh_dave: Yes, I wore a Bell Drifter all summer. I didn't want the cold weather to come because I loved it. I did have to wear earplugs because of the wind and road noise. I also kept the ear covers in. It was a great fit and I loved it! I was beginning to wear my full-face helmet when I left Seattle.
I never spit on my visor. Sneezes, excepted, of course.
I've always been an Arai fan, but I've seen so much about Shoei lately, I may have to try one.
I plan on picking up a full-face myself. So far, I've managed to survive in my half-shell, wearing a balaclava for the very chilly spring and fall rides. That doesn't do squat for you in the rain though, and I have to admit to reality. Since I'm going to be doing a lot of touring, stopping or not riding because of rain isn't always an option, and the only solution is a full-face.
Last summer when we went to Milwaukee, I borrowed an extra one Wendy had just in case. It never rained once on us on the way, while we were there, or on the way back. To this day, I'm convinced had I not had the full-face with me, it would have poured and I'd have been miserable!
Oh, Happy New Year too!
I use a Shoei helmet love it...
Susan White
Just wanted to pop in and say hi. I hope the new job is going well, and that you're enjoying this beautiful weather.
I just think my Shoei helmet is the best, I'm so glad that I bought it. I'll make sure to check out the link you provided... you can never have to many accessories!
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